The first open sensor for health
and fitness - raised $334,000
In the very crowded catagory of wearable sensors, a new and unknown brand wristband could remain unnoticed.
The Angel entrepreneurs asked me to help them raise $100,000 in crowd funding (Indiegogo).
While Angel was still in its development process.
I created for Angel a strategy, a brand image and an advertising campaign that helped it to reach its goal as follows:
1. turned Angel from a product to a VISION
2. Positioned Angel in a new catagory: HEALTH
3. differentiated Angel from its competitors by
stressing it is the first wearable sensor that is
truly OPEN = infinite apps
4. Called all apps developers to become
a part of Angel
5. offered the buyers to be a part of a
large community
"Together we can change the future of health"
Angel made the headlines in many major tech-sites, creating for Angel thousands of dollars worth of advertising for free.
Hundreds of people bought an Angel device
An Angel community with thousand of followers was created
Hundreds of developers started creating apps for Angel
And the most important thing:
We raised $334,521 in only 45 days!